• Störk-Tronic FAQ.

General questions

Where do I find the operator's manual for my controller?

Enter the 9-digit part number in product quick search. You will now find all the information you need to download under the controller description.


Product quick search

Is the controller available in a back-mounted version?

Controller as back-mounted version end with the number 2, e.g. ST182. If you cannot find the controller in our product search, please contact our experienced sales team.



What standards/guidelines/certificates do Störk-Tronic products comply with?

Störk-Tronic products comply with the current ISO 9001 standard (quality management system) as well as the current certificate for environmental management ISO 14001 (environmental management system).
You can find the certificates in our download area. 


Does Störk-Tronic produce and repair mechanical controllers?

Störk-Tronic produces and sells only electronic controllers.


Couldn't find your question?

Then contact us personally! Whether by email or by telephone - we will be pleased to make contact with you.

